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About Siu Lam Wing Chun

Wing Chun Kung Fu is a Shaolin Martial Art studied by Ip Man then taught to Bruce Lee and is used by special forces around the world due to its modern day effectiveness.

Siu Lam Wing Chun uses flowing body mechanics to generate force so whatever your size or strength this style of Martial Arts is extremely efficient and effective

The Siu Lam Wing Chun Organisation instructs and demonstrates Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu, traditional Shaolin Qi Gong, Fa-Jing and Chin Na in Fulmer, Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire and Reigate, Redhill, Surrey. The organisation provides a structured syllabus designed for any student to fully learn and understand all of the Martial Art in great depth. The founders of The Siu Lam Wing Chun Organisation train diligently on a daily basis and strongly believe that if one does not train to a high standard the quality of instruction will reflect this.

Wing Chun Kung Fu originates from the Shaolin Temple in Southern China. Wing Chun has spread all over the world at a dramatic pace, as such some traditional Shaolin practices such as Qi Gong, Fa-Jing and Chin Na are no longer taught.

Shifu Matt and Shifu Dean the founders of The Siu Lam Wing Chun Organisation have been practising Wing Chun Kung Fu and other Martial Arts for over 35 Years.

The Organisation aims to direct Wing Chun Kung Fu back to its historic roots by incorporating traditional practices of Shaolin Qi Gong, Fa-Jing and Chin Na.

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Shifu Matt    

Shifu Matt has been studying martial arts for over 20 years. He has studied various styles including Jujitsu, Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Choi Kwon Do and Jeet Kune Do. Currently, Shifu Matt focuses on his favourite arts Wing Chun, Shaolin Qi Gong, Fa-Jing, Chin Na and Boxing.

Shifu Matt trains intensively every day and is focused on improving his own ability as well as those he teaches. Shifu Matt can advise students in use of force legislation and the justification of their actions so they feel confident if they have to use their Kung Fu to defend themselves, family and property.

Shifu Matt has extensive knowledge of body mechanics, cardiovascular training and developing force through effective movements.

Shifu Dean    

Shifu Dean has studied martial arts collectively for around 30 years, firstly Shotokhan Karate then Ip Man Wing Chun, Shaolin Qi Gong, Fa-Jing and Chin Na which which are his passion in life.

Shifu Dean has studied various styles of Wing Chun giving him a deeper understanding of the art.

Shifu Dean is known for his relaxed teaching style and friendly approach to students. He has learned and relearned Ip Man Wing Chun to ensure he found the purest lineage to pass on to our students, also Shifu Dean dedicates spare time to various voluntary activities.

Shifu Dean continues to study Shaolin Qi Gong, Fa-Jing and Chin Na under a former Shaolin Monk.

Elements of Wing Chun

Siu Nim Tao    

The form which initially appears to be basic at first constantly evolves and holds key elements to the effective and direct nature of Wing Chun Kung Fu. From Foundation Grade 4 the Siu Nim Tao begins to unfold and show its true meaning. Hand position, structure, Qi Gong and advanced body mechanics are just a few things learnt here.

Chum Kiu    

Once a good understanding of the Siu Nim Tao form has been achieved practitioners will move into learning this form. The focus here is to build on all the learnings from Siu Nim Tao and begin incorporating dispersing Qi through absorbing a stronger force through footwork and correct body movement then using gained energy to attack. Basic kicking techniques are introduced in this form.

Biu Tze    

The most advanced Wing Chun empty hand form. Only those who have grasped a good understanding of dispersing force will truly understand what taught here. Biu Tze incorporates devastating elbows and throat striking techniques. In this form a practitioner develops the skill to attack through force instead of yielding. If a practitioner has not fully grasped the previous forms their Wing Chun will not develop much further from this point and begin to look very ridged losing the ideas taught previously.

Chi Sao

Chi Sao or Energy Arms” is a term for the drills used for the development of automatic reflexes upon contact, Chi Sau is also known as “sensitivity training”. This training method is not designed for sparring but to enhance your reactions and adaptation to an opponent’s attacks.

Chi Gerk

Chi Gerk or “Energy Legs,” is the lower-body equivalent Chi Sao training. Chi Gerk is aimed on developing awareness of the lower gate and increasing flexibility of the legs.

Saam Sing Chong    

A form practiced against three wooden stakes shaped into a triangle which are secured in the ground. The Three Star Dummy form focuses on combining kicks, hand techniques and footwork in rapid succession. Many practitioners are unaware this form exists.

Muk Yan Chong    

This form is performed against a wooden post with three arms and a leg. The Wooden Dummy represents a solid human opponent, practicing this form aims to refine a practitioner’s understanding of angles, positions, and footwork. The Muk Yan Chong Form teaches the practitioner new type of energy not seen in previously forms learnt.


When a practitioner grasps the empty hand Wing Chun system they go on to learn the Luk Dim Book Kwan and Baat Cham Dao Forms. Just a handful of Wing Chun practitioners know the Ip Man version of these Forms.

Qi Gong    

Qi Gong is an ancient art, which literally means “energy work”. It is said that Shaolin Qi Gong originated from the historical and legendary figure of Bodhi dharma said to be the first Zen patriarch.

The Schools of The Siu Lam Wing Chun Organisation initially teach the Eight Pieces of Brocade (Ba Duan Jin) which consist of a series of movements designed to improve health, increase energy and strengthen the body overall at Technician level students are taught additional more advanced Qi Gong forms.

The Siu Lam Wing Chun Organisation strongly believe by teaching Qi Gong practitioners become more proficient Martial Artists.


Some Martial Arts including combative Taijiquan to develop explosive force by channeling internal energy from the Dan Tien to the hands or any other part of the body. Dan Tien is loosely translated as the “energy center” which is the essential focal point for meditation and Qi Gong practice.

By including traditional Fa-Jing exercises within the advanced stages of our syllabus our students become more effective Kung Fu practitioners in combat by utilising this explosive force.

Chin Na

Chin Na is the process of seizing and controlling your opponent. Wing Chun Kung Fu naturally incorporates Chin Na techniques within the system however The Siu Lam Wing Chun Organisation have invested vast time learning other forms of Shaolin Chin Na and have dedicated one of the intermediate grades purely to Shaolin Chin Na techniques.

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Listed below are the Chief Instructor, Practitioner, Technical, Advanced, Intermediate and Foundation Grades of The Siu Lam Wing Chun Organisation.

Practitioner and Chief Instructor

Chief Instructor

The practitioner adorns gold embroidery and a gold sash. The Chief Instructor title is only achieved after a student has completed the entire Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu system including the Mother Qi Gong Forms, Fa-Jing and Chin Na work. The practitioner must have an established school and undertake rigorous tests to achieve this high level.


The journey does not end here. A Grade where the student revisits all they have been taught and can demonstrate any part of the Martial Art and pass on their skill to others with ease. The student should share their knowledge to those he can so this beautiful art can flourish not die. The student has a personal responsibility to constantly improve their skill and evolve what they have learnt so far.


The most prestigious grades of the Siu Lam Wing Chun Organisation. Here the student will learn advanced Chi Sao Sections focused around Biu Tze and Muk Yan Chong. Within the Technician Grades the student will also learn the complete Muk Yan Chong, Baat Chum Dao, Luk Dim Book Kwan and The Saam Sing Chong Form regarded as the most secret form in Wing Chun Kung Fu. There are only a handful of people who know this form. It is here more advanced Qi Gong Forms are taught.

Technician Grade One

During this lengthy grade the student will learn Biu Tze Chi Sao sections One to Four and refine all forms and sections previously taught. The student will be introduced to the theory of the Muk Yan Chong). Advanced Qi Gong is taught from this grade onwards. It is at this stage the Shifu title can be achieved which allows them to open up a school to teach others.

Technician Grade Two

At this point the student would have invested in a Muk Yan Chong. They will be taught Sections One to Four of this form along with the Chi Sao Sections relating to each section. It is in this grade they will learn Chi Gerk Section One.

Technician Grade Three

In this grade the student will complete the Muk Yan Chong Form and learn the final four Muk Yan Chong Chi Sao Sections. Chi Gerk Section Two is taught here. At this grade the student will acquire a Luk Dim Book Kwan. The student will be taught excercises to prepare them for the weapon forms of Wing Chun Kung Fu Baat Chum Dao and Luk Dim Book Kwan.

Technician Grade Four

The final grade for learning the Siu Lam Wing Chun syllabus. During this grade the student will be expected to demonstrate the entire Martial Art. The student will learn both the Baat Cham Dao and Luk Dim Book Kwan forms along with applications for each of the weapons. The most secret of all the Wing Chun Forms the Saam Sing Chong is also taught here.


These extremely technical Grades concentrate on the Biu Tze Form and how to effectively use the energy within it. A good understanding of Chum Kiu and Siu Nim Tao are essential to use Biu Tze techniques to any effectiveness. Students will complete the Chum Kiu Chi Sao Sections and focus on a new type of energy. The student will be expected to perform Chi Sao Sections on both sides from these grades onward.

Advanced Grade Nine

The student is Introduced to the Fourth Chum Kiu Chi Sao Section and will begin to learn The Biu Tze form which focuses on attacking through force instead of yielding. An introduction to various applications and techniques from the Biu Tze Form are also seen within this grade. Part five of the Ba Duan Jin is taught here.

Advanced Grade Ten

An Introduction to the Fifth Chum Kiu Chi Sao Section and the next part of the Biu Tze form are taught within this grade. The student will be expected to re-visit Foundation Grade One and Two. Part Six of the Ba Duan Jin is taught here.

Advanced Grade Eleven

Introduction to the Sixth Chum Kiu Chi Sao Section and next part of the Biu Tze form are taught here. The student will be expect to re-visit Foundation Grade Three and Four. Part seven of the Ba Duan Jin is taught here.

Advanced Grade Twelve – Black Sash

The student will be introduced to a new type of energy here whilst learning the Seventh Chum Kiu Chi Sao Section. In this grade the student will complete the main empty hand forms of Wing Chun Kung Fu. The student will be expect to re-visit all the Foundation Grades and Intermediate Grades. Part seven of the Ba Duan Jin is taught here.  At the conclusion of this grade the Founders of The Siu Lam Wing Chun Organisation will assess the students knowledge of Grades one to Twelve and pressure test their ability to see if they have achieved the level required for the Black Sash.


In these grades, the student has already grasped a good understanding of Wing Chun and how to use it effectively. This knowledge will prove invaluable moving forward into the Intermediate section of the syllabus.

Intermediate Grade Five

When a student completes the Foundation Level of Siu Lam Wing Chun they will have a good understanding of how the body works. In this level kicking techniques and sweeps are taught. The student will begin to learn Chum Kiu and more advanced Poon Sao. The Ba Duan Jin starts here.

Intermediate Grade Six

In this level strategies and combat of dealing with more than one opponent both empty handed and with blunt / sharp weapons are taught. Within this grade you learn the complete first Chum Kiu Chi Sao section and part two of the Ba Duan Jin.

Intermediate Grade Seven

Here the student is Introduced to advanced Chin Na techniques originating from the Southern Shaolin Temple. Within this grade you learn the complete Second Chum Kiu Chi Sao section and part three of Ba Duan Jin.

Intermediate Grade Eight

At this level the student will concentrate on all the Kung Fu learnt so far and use it to spar with other Wing Chun practitioners. Gor Sao and Lat Sao are the main focus here. The third Chum Kiu Chi Sao section is taught here as well as part four of the Ba Duan Jin. At the conclusion of this grade the student will be tested by the founders of The Siu Lam Wing Chun Organisation to ensure they are of an adequate ability to move forward and learn the Advanced Grades.


The Foundation Grades of The Siu Lam Wing Chun Organisation have been developed to enable a student to overcome The most frequent attacks whilst building a good understanding of how to apply Wing Chun effectively.

Foundation Grade One

This first level introduces the student to effective preemptive attacking using speed, technique and body positioning. Within this grade you start learning Siu Nim Tao and basic hand drills to improve co-ordination.

Foundation Grade Two

The second level teaches students to defend and counter attack against straight and circular attacks. It is in this grade the student will begin learning basic Dan Chi Sao which is the starting point of Chi Sao unique to Wing Chun Kung Fu.

Foundation Grade Three

The third level teaches students how to defend and counter attack using close range elbows, knees and grappling techniques. Here the student will learn more advanced Dan Chi Sau.

Foundation Grade Four

The fourth level teaches students ground fighting including advanced grappling, striking and locking techniques during combat on the ground. At this level Poon Sao is introduced.
At the conclusion of the Foundation Grades the student will be tested by the founders of The Siu Lam Wing Chun Organisation to ensure they are of an adequate ability to move forward and learn the Intermediate Grades.


We have Wing Chun Schools in Fulmer, Buckinghamshire and Reigate, Surrey.

Fulmer (Gerrards Cross):

The Studio
Fulmer Common Road

Tuesday – 7:00pm to 8:00pm

T:  07424 253 605

We have students from Fulmer, Gerrards Cross, Slough, Beaconsfield, Stoke Poges, Hedgerley, Farnham Common and surrounding areas.

Join Fulmer


Reigate Park Church
Park Lane East

Thursday – 7:30pm to 8:30pm

T:  07424 253 605

We have students from Reigate, Redhill, Salfords, Horley, Smallfield, Cousldon, Crawley and surrounding areas.

Join Redhill

Coming Soon:

New schools opening up soon.

Stay tuned for more information.

Existing School?

Our Organisation is only represented by the highest standard of Wing Chun Kung Fu. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Siu Lam Wing Chun Organisation please complete the contact form below.


You can call us on 07424 253 605 or you can use the contact form below.

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